
Knowledge & Employability

A provincial Certificate of Achievement will be awarded to a student upon successful completion of the senior high K&E courses.

The purpose of Knowledge and Employability (K&E) courses are to help students:

  • Develop essential concepts, skills, and attitudes in preparation for their role in the workplace, community, and home.
  • Obtain a sense of success and achievement in their learning experiences, thereby enhancing self-esteem.
  • Develop entry-level job skills.
  • Recognize the need for lifelong learning.
  • Become responsible members of society.

K&E courses are designed for students who:

  • Entering grade 8 as of September 1st of the current school year.
  • Are experiencing difficulty learning in the regular program.
  • May have an achievement lag of one or more years in core subjects: Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies.
  • May have low self-esteem due to past academic failure.
  • Focus well on visual and kinesthetic (hands-on) learning.

How are K&E Courses Different From Other Courses?

  • Each course concentrates on the basic skills essential to becoming responsible members of society.
  • Instruction in any skills begins with reference to real-life applications. It is often this deliberate reinforcement in a practical area that enables students to understand more fully the need for academic knowledge as it applies to job success.
  • There is an emphasis on appropriate teaching strategies to suit the unique learning needs of Knowledge and Employability students.

How to Apply

Students are usually recommended for the K&E Program by their school with consultation by the school counsellor, administrators, and classroom teacher.

Individual sessions for students are held to help them with the decision regarding K&E courses.